Dental Implant

What is a dental implant? To whom can dental implant application be made?

With the development of technology, there are many developments related to oral and dental health. Today, people are faced with tooth loss due to many reasons, periodental problems, illness, injury or neglect of oral care.

In the past, there were difficult treatment options such as bridge treatment or dentures instead of missing teeth for our patients who had such problems. However, there are now much safer, aesthetically compatible and permanent solutions available. What is implant treatment developed as an alternative to traditional methods? Who can have implant treatment? Is the dental implants treatment process painful?

What is an Implant?

Dental implants are screws that are placed in the jawbone, applied in full harmony with your natural teeth, used for the treatment of missing teeth, and artificial tooth root. It is made of titanium, which is a completely tissue compatible material, and is a common treatment option that can be safely applied in the absence of one or more teeth.

Who can have Dental Implant treatment?

It can be applied to all individuals who have completed their chin and face development and who are over the age of 18 with appropriate treatment conditions. Before making a decision for implant treatment, the suitability of the jawbone should be evaluated by performing a radiographic examination. In order to be able to perform implant treatment in patients with diabetes, consultation must first be made and diabetes must be in order.

How is implant surgery done?

Implant treatment is not as difficult a surgical procedure as it is thought. It can be done under local anesthesia. However, for our patients who are afraid of treatment, the procedure can also be performed with sedation or general anesthesia. A detailed examination and x-ray must be taken before the application. The bone level should be measured and the compatibility of the implant to be applied to the patient’s bone structure should be evaluated.

Implant treatment is a two-stage process. A certain amount of time is needed for the implants to integrate with the bone in order to make the teeth on the implant. This period varies between 3 months and 6 months depending on the bone structure. In full mouth or single implant applications, temporary teeth are usually applied for the teeth on the implant. Your surgeon and prosthodontist will decide together whether the temporary tooth to be used is a fixed temporary or removable temporary tooth. Although the application varies according to the number of implants, it varies between 30 minutes and 3 hours.

What are the Advantages of Dental Implants?

Oral Health: When implants are applied in mouths with one or more missing teeth, no action is taken on other teeth. As the teeth are not cut or any support is not taken, as in bridge treatments, other teeth in the mouth continue to remain healthy. Individual implants increase oral hygiene and protect your jawbone as it acts as a root.

Speech: Prostheses that are not properly positioned in the mouth can cause problems in speaking. Sometimes the prosthesis may slip in the mouth and there may be difficulties in pronouncing letters. Dental implants eliminate this problem as it will not slide or move in the mouth.

Appearance: Everything is like your own tooth! Implants designed to fuse with bone can stay in your mouth for life.

Eating Comfort: Eating with dentures is difficult. It creates difficulty in chewing. However, implants act like your natural teeth and allow you to eat with pleasure and also provide you with the best biting force.

Lack of Confidence: It’s time to smile again! You will now be able to smile as you wish to feel better.

Durability and Suitability: As long as you pay attention to your oral hygiene and go to regular check-ups, your implants will stay with you for a very long time, even for a lifetime.

Is Implant Treatment Painful?

Since you will be under local anesthesia during the procedure, you will not feel any pain or ache. Mild pains felt after the application will be under control with the drugs given to you.

Does Insurance (SGK) Cover the Implant Cost?

Unfortunately, dental implants are not covered by insurance. However, since there are many implant brands today, there is definitely an implant option suitable for your budget.

Can I eat after the implant procedure?

There are some points to be considered after the implant application. It is necessary to be careful not to consume very hot or cold, hard foods during the recovery period. It is important that the gums are not damaged in this process.

Who Cannot Have Implants?

Implants can be applied to individuals with appropriate health status and bone level. However, implants cannot be applied to our patients who receive radiotherapy from the head and neck region. Implants cannot be applied to individuals whose bone development has not been completed.

This page content is for informational purposes only. The content of the page does not include items containing information on therapeutic health care. You should consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment

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Our team works for you to create a healthy smile!

1. Consultation

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2. Check Up

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3. Treatment

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