Teeth Cleaning

When daily oral and dental care is neglected, food residues accumulated on and between the teeth produce bacteria over time. These bacteria, which are formed by combining with saliva, harden and cause formations that we call calculus.

Uncleaned tartar also causes gingivitis and gingival diseases, as well as causing a bad appearance over time. For this reason, regular dental check-ups twice a year and calculus cleaning every 6 months are recommended.

What is Teeth Cleaning?

Tooth stone cleaning; It is the cleaning of the layers, also called tartar, formed on the surface of the teeth at the junction of the tooth and gum, by the dentist with special applications.

Stones formed just above the gum line may cause deformation to the gums and cause sensitivity over time, as well as damage the gums. This causes gum disease. Gingivtis (gingival inflammation), which manifests itself with bleeding gums, is an example of these diseases. Bacteria formed in the mouth and tartar also cause bad breath.

What are the Symptoms of Tartar?

Normally, you may not be able to see the tartar at the beginning, but over time it becomes visible and over time, the appearance turns yellow or brown. Although it is first cleaned with the help of brushing, the layers that harden well over time may become impossible to clean with a brush.

Unless treated, it causes irritation, inflammation, bleeding and various diseases in the gums. This shows that the tartar has now spread to the depths of the tooth.

How Is Teeth Cleaning Performed?

Teeth cleaning is done by the dentist in the dental clinic. Dentists have special hand tools and ultrasonic devices for this process. It cleans tartar and removes it from the tooth surface. It intervenes with laser devices when necessary. After removing the stones, it cleans the stains caused by tea, coffee and cigarette consumption on your teeth with special powders and finally polishes your tooth surface with special polishing agents.

The calculus cleaning process varies according to the density of tartar formed in the mouth. While your dentists clean your tartar, they also do all your oral care. This process, which sometimes takes 30 minutes, can sometimes take up to 1 hour.

If you have had a dental cleaning, there are some issues that you should pay attention to after cleaning. You may feel sensitivity in your teeth or gums after cleaning. We recommend that you do not consume too hot or too cold for 24 hours after cleaning. You should stay away from products such as tea, coffee, Turkish coffee, cola, colored drinks, wine and cigarettes that cause discoloration for 2 hours after the application. You should brush and floss your teeth regularly.

Your dentist should decide how long to clean the teeth. Your oral hygiene and oral care is one of the main points that determine this period. Experts recommend calculus cleaning every 6 months in individuals who do not have any gum disease. If your mouth and salivary structure are prone to plaque and tartar formation, more frequent examinations and dental cleanings can be done.

To prevent the formation of tartar, you can follow the recommendations below:

This page content is for informational purposes only. The content of the page does not include items containing information on therapeutic health care. You should consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment

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